For 50 years, the LAUAK Group has been built on values that are dear to us: agility, ethics, commitment and humility. To date, these founding principles have enabled us to meet the company’s development challenges and support our customers’ needs, while maintaining our commitment to prudent, controlled growth.

Aware of all its social responsibilities, the LAUAK Group is strategically committed to deploying a CSR policy (Corporate Social Responsibility) towards its partners (employees, customers, collaborators, suppliers, institutions and fellow citizens). Based on the LAUAK Group’s DNA, this strategy is built around 3 pillars :

  • Ethics

    As a key value of the group, the LAUAK Group is aware of the importance of its ethical commitment and its honest and upright behavior towards all its partners and employees.
    By 2025, the LAUAK Group is committed to training and raising awareness of ethical issues among its employees, as well as appointing individuals responsible for monitoring ethical and compliance issues at group level.

  • Social

    The LAUAK Group pursues a dynamic policy towards its employees, offering them a working environment in which they can fully express themselves. This is achieved through open and transparent social dialogue, an ambitious talent development policy and actions to promote job inclusion. The Group is committed to respecting gender equality (index 76/100 for the year 2023*) and to improving it through its commitment to an ongoing action plan, with a target of 85/100 in Europe by 2026.

  • Environment

    Committed to ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and ISO 50001 (Energy Management) certification for its sites, the LAUAK Group is determined to be and become an even more responsible player, committed to reducing its impact on the environment by getting involved in the fight against global warming, reducing its carbon footprint and defining processes to reduce water consumption.

The LAUAK Group is aware of its impact on the environment and the ecosystem, and of the need to take these issues into account. We are convinced that a healthy, successful company is a responsible company.

* (36/40 on the pay gap, 10/20 on the individual increase gap, 15/15 on the promotion gap, 15/15 on the percentage of employees receiving an increase on return from maternity leave and 0/10 on the under-representation of gender among the 10 highest earners).